Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday, March 26

I don't know about anyone else but I sometimes have a hard time reading through the gospel books, one after the other, because of the repetition of so many of the stories. I have found myself scanning instead of reading because I feel I already know the story. With that said, I want to encourage everyone to keep reading! No keep scanning, but truly reading as we work our way through Mark. Pray that God show you something new in these same stories. Mark wrote in a very different way than Matthew and so make it your focus to find new truths in these passages.

With that said, let's look at a small portion of Mark 3. WeIn verse 5 we see Jesus get angry at the hardened hearts of the people. I think we often picture Jesus as this always happy, nice guy but we need to also take note of the example he displays for us here. He got angry at the people's unwillingness to reach out to others and show love. I think in our society we have become content with the way the world has gone and yet we should be angry that people are standing against our God and should be doing something about it! I think that while this is just one verse in the two chapters we read for today, it is a verse that speaks volumes of our need to stand up for Jesus in a society that isn't!

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