Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday, March 12

Today's reading wraps up our reading of the book of Matthew (26-28). And it focuses us in on the plot to kill Jesus, Jesus' annointing and betrayal, the institution of the Lord's Supper, Peter's denial, Christ's death and resurrection, and still more. There is a whole lot packed into these three chapters and I want to just look at a small but greatly important portion.

As the middle school minister at NorthWoods, we have been studying the Gospel message for the past several weeks with the students. I have realized during this time how much Christians too often turn the Gospel into something it's not. And so that is what I would like us to look at...the Gospel message. In chapter 27-28, we see the Gospel message laid out for us. Christ died for our sins (verses 45-50), He was buried (verses 57-60), and His resurrection (ch 28:1-10). Here in all it's simplicity is the Gospel message that can change lives! The Gospel message wasn't just meant to be discussed every Easter but was meant to be received, shared, and shared some more all year long.
Also found within these chapters was the institution of the Lord's Supper. Tomorrow at both campuses we will be having the Lord's Supper. This is a time of remembrance. I want to encourage everyone to not only remember what the Lord has done for us by way of the Gospel message but to also take the time too reflect on how this sacrifice has and is impacting our lives. Are we sharing this amazing message with those around us? Have we received this amazing gift? Does the teachings of God saturate every aspect of our daily lives?

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