Ephesians 1 – 3
In entertainment wrestling (WWE) there is a character called John Cena. Presently he is the defending champion and has been on numerous occasions. As he enters the ring, he announces, “The Champ is here!” He is considered the golden boy of the organization. Disliked by some fans but admired by many, including several youth. In his popularity, he always wears the same designed t-shirt representing his motto “hustle, honor and loyalty”. These are good qualities, as youth and some adults try to emulate his actions. But not just in this scenario, many people place others and objects as their central figure. This week we have the fortune of starting one of my favorite books of the Bible, Ephesians. This letter, written by Paul, is in contrast to some of the prior books we have read. Paul, in this letter, is not writing to redirect a serious problem or deal with false teaching. He instead is writing to encourage the church to continue to develop and move towards establishing its self with Jesus Christ as the center. To accomplish this, Paul’s first three chapters are focused on identifying Jesus Christ as the focal point or “CHAMP”. The apostle made clear that “ALL” things run through Christ as God planned it. The last three chapters describe how individually, as believers we are supposed to carry ourselves. In viewing today’s reading; what would your t-shirt say and who would you be emulating?
As stated, the first three chapters are focused on laying down the foundation and benefits of having Jesus intervene for the church. Paul reminded the Ephesians of how believers profited from Christ’s actions. Here are some of the things we should carry on a banner for our Champion: Jesus is our:
Brother – Through Him we are adopted into God’s family. (1:5)
Savior – He purchased our freedom through his sacrifice. (1:7)
Master – God’s plan, everything will come under the authority of Jesus Christ. (1:10)
Conqueror – We were saved by God’s grace through Jesus conquering the grave. (2:4-6)
Peace maker – Jesus brought unity and the wall of indifference was knocked down. (2:14-16).
Foreman – Through Jesus, we are directed in our actions to give glory to God. (3:10-11)
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