Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wednesday, January 5th

In Psalm chapter 1, we find where there are two ways we may choose to live our lives. As blessed men or wicked men. The Psalmist shows us through verses 1-3, that the blessed man doesn't hang out with or doesn't (sit) stay in the company and influence of wicked men. After reading this, we think of Jesus that ate with the tax collector and spent time with those who were thought to be undesirable people of the day. However, Jesus was sharing with them what He knew to be the eternal truths of life. Jesus was never in a position of taking counsel from the men he knew were blind to truth. How many times do we (I) sit the the counsel of the wicked by listening to what this society's opinions are about things that are happening around us - whether it be about our finances, retirement, political views and even the shaping our moral standards. Instead, we are to be planted firmly in the Word of God, as the tree is planted - receiving our nourishment from God's principles and teachings. As the tree receives nourishment from the stream, God's Living Word is our living water. We don't produce our own fruit, but God produces His fruit through us when we are sustained by Him and not our own ways. Continuing in verses 4-6, it shows us that the wicked man is not grounded in anything, which allows man who follows public opinion however fast or slow it may change. The very opposite of the scriptures where it says that "...God is the same yesterday, today and forever". God's teachings never change - they're not progressive, because they're eternal. They're not evolving, because they're absolute truths. It teaches us plainly that God watches over the way of the righteous, but the wicked are left to inhereit their end, which is not all that great in the end.

Psalm chapter 2 we find David, (maybe Nathan), writing - Why do the nations conspire and plot in vain? Why are kings and rulers taking their stand and attacking against David?
Because those who attack David are attacking God, because God's blessing is on God's Annointed One, David. In verses 7-12, David says that he became a son of God, when he became king. And he knows that God will give him whatever he needs or asks. He is also telling the leaders to obey the king ("kiss the son").
Chapter 2 does talk about David's rule, but is also talking about the King who will some day rule the world. David never ruled the world, but with Jesus' return the scriptures say that "Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord"! Jesus will rule this world and as Psalm chapter 2 concludes - "Blessed are all who take refuge in Him".

My prayer for myself and my family, as well as for all of us who are reading through the Bible this year, is to find more of God's enternal truths and grow deeper in Him, while we understand in a greater way to fear, love and surrender to the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Let's bear much fruit together as NorthWoods looks into the year of 2011. We are "Blessed".

1 comment:

  1. Wednesdays are being blogged by Marvin the Musician which I find oh so appropriate as he is going to be blogging through the Psalms. Isn't that something that makes you go hmmm?
